We have two models, Articles and Votes; it's the typical situation; users can vote on articles so the models look something like this:
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :votes
class Vote < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user belongs_to :article
(user isn't listed here because it's not important but you get the idea).
What we want to do is actually get back the number of votes with the article
The SQL for this is pretty straight forward and looks like:
SELECT articles.*, COUNT(votes.id) AS vote_count FROM articles INNER JOIN votes ON articles.id = votes.article_id GROUP BY articles.id
We'd like to be able to then do something like
Article.find(:all, :order => "vote_count DESC")
<%= Article.find(125).vote_count %>
problem is, we can't work out if it's even possible in Rails to make the Article model use this SQL, or if there's another solution we're overlooking. Does anyone know if it can be done or could point us in the right direction?