extending activerecord base with after_initialize


i am having problems getting after_initialize for activerecord subclasses. basically, i am trying to use the guid plugin by andy singleton. i am having problems extending the class to the plugins i installed, so i figured i will just apply this to all the models in my project. i trled to add the following to my lib/ folder. my goal is to extended the activerecord class so that it uses guid everywhere. but the after_initialize doesn't seem to be kicking in. i think i m missing a step in the self.included function, but not sure exactly what. i tried to use the AR:validation and other classes as reference, but i couldn't get it to work. any insight into what i am doing wrong is greatly appreciated.


=== usesguid.rb ===

require 'uuidtools'

module ActiveRecord   module Usesguid     def self.included(base) # :nodoc:       super       base.extend ClassMethods     end

    module ClassMethods       def after_initialize         self.id ||= UUID.timestamp_create().to_s.gsub('-','')       end     end   end end

ActiveRecord::Base.class_eval do   include ActiveRecord::Usesguid end

actually, instead of extending active record, i just wrote an helper instead by following the instructions here: http://codesnipers.com/?q=node/143&title=Using-UUID/GUID-as-Primary-Key-in-Rails