I want to create graphs similar to those in Excel
(like bars) from a database using Rails.
the graphics should be displayed within a HTML page.
I think SVG might be an option. I have not used it
but maybe SVG is not the best option here.
it should work in all browsers. maybe later some
animations will follow.
are there any plugins or libraries that can help with
the creating 2D graphics ? I search raa and found an
old SVG library. but that was all.
has anyone used the RVG extension to RMagick ?
best wishes
I want to create graphs similar to those in Excel (like bars)
from a database using Rails.
the graphics should be displayed within a HTML page.
I'm now using webfx charts for this:
client-side rendering using the Canvas API. Native implementations exist
for Safari, Firefox, and Opera, and a couple of google folks wrote an IE
implementation in Javascript. It's pretty cool, no worries about
server-side performance or stability.
I've got a couple of patches for the library, actually, but haven't
heard back from the developers so I may end up forking it.
- donald