I installed the latest ruby version (1.9.2p290) via the rubyinstaller
I have a Windows 7 64bits.
Installation was fine.
But I can't update or install my gems.
For instance if I enter "gem install rails" I get the following error
message :
ERROR: While executing gem... (Errno:EN0ENT)
No such file or directory
He said, that he was using the Ruby installer, so there is no rvm. Also I don’t remember rvm is running with windows.
Anyway, it looks as if there is some version mismatch when I look at the pathes. 1.9.2 is mentioned on the one side, but in the path the gems go into a 1.9.1 dir.
"Standard library is installed in /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.9.1
This version is a "library compatible version." Ruby 1.9.2 is almost
1.9.1 compatible, so the library is installed in the 1.9.1 directory."
Please see the link I sent before about checking the "gem env"
information to determine if some drive or directory do not exist.
C:\Users\Cédric>gem install
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::CommandLineError)
Please specify at least one gem name (e.g. gem build GEMNAME)
I've tried to install a Win XP Virtual Machine (with VirtualBox), a
Ubuntu VM.
When I try a gem install rails :I still get that same Errno
message ...
C:\Users\Cédric>gem install
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::CommandLineError)
Please specify at least one gem name (e.g. gem build GEMNAME)
gem install rails
or other name of gem (is required)
I've tried to install a Win XP Virtual Machine (with VirtualBox), a
Ubuntu VM.
When I try a gem install rails :I still get that same Errno
message ...
The problem will persist as long you use a path with accented
characters as part of your username.
@ Leoncio Caminha yeah sure I already did what you told me
@ Luis :> OK I'll create a new user with no accented caracter then i
ll see if it's working (maybe it 's my name Cédric who makes issues
hahah )
YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH it s perfectly working since I created
a non accentued username !!
The problème was the accent on "Cédric".
Thanks so much Luis