Error when executing "rake db:migrate" with frozen Rails 2.1.0 on Media Temple

I'm hoping someone might have some insight into this, because I don't quite know how to figure this one out. I'm running the command with Capistrano's deploy:migrate to my (mt) Media Temple (gs) Grid Server, but I get the same error (from "rake aborted!" and on below) when I run "rake db:migrate" directly on the server in the application's root directory.

  * executing `deploy:migrate'   * executing "ls -x /home/0000/containers/rails/babylon/releases"     servers: [""]     [] executing command     command finished   * executing "cd /home/0000/containers/rails/babylon/releases/ 20080608045457; PATH=$PATH:/home/0000/data/rubygems/bin:/home/0000/ data/rubygems/gems/bin RUBYLIB=/home/0000/data/rubygems/local/lib/ site_ruby/1.8 GEM_HOME=/home/0000/data/rubygems/gems rake RAILS_ENV=production db:migrate"     servers: [""]     [] executing command *** [err ::] rake aborted! *** [err ::] undefined method `collect' for nil:NilClass *** [err ::] *** [err ::] (See full trace by running task with --trace) ** [out ::] (in /home/0000/containers/rails/babylon/ releases/20080608045457)     command finished command "cd /home/0000/containers/rails/babylon/releases/ 20080608045457; PATH=$PATH:/home/0000/data/rubygems/bin:/home/0000/ data/rubygems/gems/bin RUBYLIB=/home/0000/data/rubygems/local/lib/ site_ruby/1.8 GEM_HOME=/home/0000/data/rubygems/gems rake RAILS_ENV=production db:migrate" failed on

I can provide a full trace if necessary.