Hello fellows.
I have a issue on Ruby regarding error notice function (Flash).
The error message will not be displayed on some condition.
This issue occurs on the system which I wrote below.
(There is no problem when I am using local PC enviornment "WEBrick")
Specifically, the issue is, There is no problem displaying the value
from flash when the controler is set for error notice view. However,
when I set the value on other controler such as "application.rb" the
value will not show up.
Below is my system enviornment and the source code that I wrote for ROR
and rhtml.
System enviornment
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.0 ES
Apache 2.0.52
MySQL 4.1.20
modssl 2.0.52 / fastcgi
Ruby 1.8.4
Rails 1.1.6
The source code I wrote follows
Ruby on Rails source code;
flash[:notice] = 'error message'
rhtml source code;
<% if @flash[:notice] %>
<%= @flash[:notice] %>
<% end %>