dynamic layout - title for google page rank

Google likes titles to be distinct for every page and they use that for page rank. My old layout had the same title for every page. I looked up dynamic layout in this group and followed the suggestion for page specific titles. Now I have a '@title' variable in the controllers, I assign it in index and other routines like this: 'def index   @title = "something" end' whatever is the appropriate title for that page and then in the layout I have '<title> <%= @title => </title>'

This WORKS in the test environment but when I capistrano upload the app to the production environment title is ALWAYS blank, an empty string.

Any suggestions? thanks,

minka http://www.beelucid.com

minka wrote:

Google likes titles to be distinct for every page and they use that for page rank. My old layout had the same title for every page. I looked up dynamic layout in this group and followed the suggestion for page specific titles. Now I have a '@title' variable in the controllers, I assign it in index and other routines like this: 'def index   @title = "something" end' whatever is the appropriate title for that page and then in the layout I have '<title> <%= @title => </title>'

This WORKS in the test environment but when I capistrano upload the app to the production environment title is ALWAYS blank, an empty string.

Ah, there is a much more elegant way of doing this! :slight_smile:

ActionView has a content_for method, which you can use.

Here is a blog post explaining how it works (with some extra stuff)


In a nutshell... in your application layout.

<title>DHH Gossip &raquo; <%= (title = yield :title) ? title : 'Your source for the latest DHH gossip' %></title>

Then in your views...

# news.rhtml

<% content_for :title do %>DHH kills Bat Boy!<% end %>

When rendered, this will appear in your. As you can see, I also defined a default string above.

You can do several content_for's in your app (sidebar, navigation, breadcrumbs...)

Good luck!

Cheers, Robby

Robby Russell wrote:

minka wrote:

Google likes titles to be distinct for every page and they use that for page rank. My old layout had the same title for every page. I looked up dynamic layout in this group and followed the suggestion for page specific titles. Now I have a '@title' variable in the controllers, I assign it in index and other routines like this: 'def index   @title = "something" end' whatever is the appropriate title for that page and then in the layout I have '<title> <%= @title => </title>'

This WORKS in the test environment but when I capistrano upload the app to the production environment title is ALWAYS blank, an empty string.

Ah, there is a much more elegant way of doing this! :slight_smile:

ActionView has a content_for method, which you can use.

Here is a blog post explaining how it works (with some extra stuff)


In a nutshell... in your application layout.

<title>DHH Gossip &raquo; <%= (title = yield :title) ? title : 'Your source for the latest DHH gossip' %></title>

Then in your views...

# news.rhtml

<% content_for :title do %>DHH kills Bat Boy!<% end %>

When rendered, this will appear in your. As you can see, I also defined a default string above.

You can do several content_for's in your app (sidebar, navigation, breadcrumbs...)

Also, here is the documentation for content_for.


Cheers, Robby