These both patch the construct_scope methods in the ActiveRecord
association classes to pass through the @reflection.options for the
respective option.
My problem was the :include wasn't getting sent through and my order
was then failing since it used a field retrieved from the include.
Can anyone see a reason why :include shouldn't be send through as
well? I've done a quick fix on my system and it solved my problem,
but before I try to submit a patch I wanted to see if anyone knew a
reason it wasn't?
Also, do you think the patch should try to be smart and just send
through @reflection.options in general so in the future we don't have
to forget adding an option to these few different classes?
An aside: I noticed that the find_or_create_by doesn't suppose the
passing of any options, unless the find_by -- e.g.
find_or_create_by_title_id(, :include => :title) doesn't
work. Should it? find_by_title_id(, :include => :title)
Can anyone see a reason why :include shouldn’t be send through as
well? I’ve done a quick fix on my system and it solved my problem,
but before I try to submit a patch I wanted to see if anyone knew a
reason it wasn’t?
This has been a fairly pervasive problem. Of the many different methods used to generate SQL there is varying support for options passed explicitly to the finder, and options defined by the current scope, options defined by a reflection.
We’ve been patching holes as we see them but there’s a long way to go. I’ve still got a ticket for one open here:
Also, do you think the patch should try to be smart and just send
through @reflection.options in general so in the future we don’t have
to forget adding an option to these few different classes?
Personally, I’d like to see full support for all 3 ways of defining options for a database call. It’s a pretty extensive problem though so, unless there’s a majority of developers clamoring for it, I’d recommend limiting the scope of your patch.
It would be great if you could add some other patches that fix problems one by one.
Can anyone see a reason why :include shouldn't be send through as
well? I've done a quick fix on my system and it solved my problem,
but before I try to submit a patch I wanted to see if anyone knew a
reason it wasn't?
Nope, just a bug / missing feature. There are a few things brewing
which would alleviate this kind of thing, but they're unlikely to land
for 2.1.
An aside: I noticed that the find_or_create_by doesn't suppose the
passing of any options, unless the find_by -- e.g.
find_or_create_by_title_id(, :include => :title) doesn't
work. Should it? find_by_title_id(, :include => :title)
I think that find_or_create_... takes an attributes option as its
second argument, so this kind of thing is a little difficult.