Duplicating table data into another table

Requirement: I am designing a Customer invoice system for a service company. company has some default rates across the company which is based on designation, experience level, qualification etc. These rates can be changed for a particular project. So project rates can overwrites the default rates

The way I am doing is: 1. create defaultrates tables which will be pre-populated with the default rate data 2. Project table contain information about project 3. projectrates table which contain exactly same fields as defaultrates table, except it will also contain foreign keys with project table (id) and defaultrates table(id). When the project is created projectrates table will be populated with all the data present in defaultrates table along with project_id If user want to change the rates for a particular project, then projectrates table will be edited matching the particular project id

models: project   has_many :projectrates


  belongs_to :project   belongs_to :defaultrate

defaultrate       has_many :projectrates

Questions 1. User will create the project, at back-end projectrates table should be populated with the data from defaultrates table along with project-id. how to do this?? 2. show.rhtml , showing details of particular project should also show the details of project rates 3. edit.rhtml editing project, should also give user the functionality to edit project rates

Please it is important for me, so let me know how to do this?