Downloading Rails w/o Gems

There was a great post on one of the ruby/RoR related newsgroups, perhaps this one itself, probably by Dave Thomas and Andy Hunt, or by someone else, about installing rails as separate gems, without the gems package manager. The post detailed the purpose and sequence of each gems file to be downloaded (activelist, activerecord etc.) and the steps to perform after their download.

I am looking for that article because my office firewall seems to prevent the gems package manager from running and downloading rails. I get the following error.

C:\>gem install rails --remote ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError)     Bad file descriptor - connect(2)(Errno::EBADF)

Can someone please point me to the said (or other relevant) article that will solve my problem?

you can bypass the gem package management system and install rails via svn if you want.

Read here for more info:


Thanks very much. I'd also like instructions to place the files in the proper folders.

Water Cooler v2

Water Cooler v2 wrote:

Thanks very much. I'd also like instructions to place the files in the proper folders.

I think the easiest way is to generate gems from the subversion checkout. In each subfolder (activerecord, actionpack, etc) you can run 'rake gem'. This will put a .gem file in the pkg directory. Which you can then install with the gem command.