Documentation for using IntegrationTest?

Can someone point me to some good documentation for writing integration tests using IntegrationTest? What documentation I have found seems to be outdated, referring to methods that are either deprecated or altogether relocated.

Are people actually using IntegrationTest, or is everyone using something like RSpec?

Thanks,       --Paul

I think most people have moved over to Cucumber for integration tests now.

The Pragmatic Programmers book on RSpec and Cucumber is a great introduction.



Paul Lynch wrote:

Can someone point me to some good documentation for writing integration tests using IntegrationTest? What documentation I have found seems to be outdated, referring to methods that are either deprecated or altogether relocated.

Are people actually using IntegrationTest, or is everyone using something like RSpec?

Andy is right. Cucumber (with or without RSpec) is the way to go for integration.

Thanks,       --Paul
