Developer + Web Designer available for remote work


I’m a Brazilian (GMT -3) based Developer, with 3+ years Rails experience, working together with a Designer and looking for a remote work that lead us to new challenges, where we should use our skills to create tools that are useful for our customers.

We love agile, we love quality, so we want to work at an environment where we can be paranoid about tests coverage, about UX and about how clear our code and our architecture’s ideas looks like.

We are looking for new projects, as freelancers or permanent workers. If you are interested and want more details, please send me private email or contact me through some IM.


I’m very frustrated to break out the forums rules. There was not my intention. Really sorry about this. I just send the email cause i ever see emails about job positions in the list.

I’m a user of this forum from years now and really like it too much.

We should have read forum instructions before send the email (i was not sending from the forums page, but this is not apologies anyways).

Really, sorry!

Hi Everton,

Really, sorry!

        from the new topic page, just above the submit button:         "Attention:         posting any kind of advertisement for commercial products or         services,         unless in reply to a related question, is prohibited."

Don't let it bother you. I think the general consensus has been that the above is not a prohibition against fellow Rails developers letting folks know they're available and looking. I remember Greg Brown, for example, letting folks know he was available and was soliciting funding for his next project. I hope you get some replies.

Best regards, Bill

Really Bill??? Wow, in my opinion it's hard to imagine a worse activity to promote. I'm sure there are hundreds if not thousands of people who would like to advertise themselves here.

I thought the general consensus was that it was OK to post very spot- on-topic jobs but not your own services?

UGH... NO! my $0.02 Tim


I'm a freelancer and would love to advertise on this list when I have availability, but I have always understood that it would be poor form to do so. I think it is entirely unfair to those of us who follow ML guidelines for someone to turn around and tell the OP not to worry about the rules.


I'm a freelancer and would love to advertise on this list when I have availability, but I have always understood that it would be poor form to do so. I think it is entirely unfair to those of us who follow ML guidelines for someone to turn around and tell the OP not to worry about the rules.

Seems like a reasonable solution would be to put this information in your signature. I'd much rather hear that someone is looking for work than to see that dreaded "this entire email is confidential" crap.

That way you're also forced to at least answer a question and your advertising is more subtle... kept to a single line or two I wouldn't have any issues with that. It certainly isn't any more obtrusive than funny quotes or a list of phone numbers, etc...

Something like the below maybe...
