Destroy problem

i have table pro_categories and i am handle add update from admins controller but can not destroy record from there i mean using admin controller

<div>   <h3 align="center">Product Category</h3>   <table align="center">     <tr>       <th>Category Title</th>

    </tr>     <% @pro_categories.each do |p| %>     <tr align="center">       <td><%= p.pcate_name%></td>

      <td><%= link_to_remote('Show',:update => "mcont", :url => {:controller => :admins, :action => :cateshow},:with => "'id=#{}'")%></td>     <td><%= link_to_remote('Edit',:update => "mcont", :url => {:controller => :admins, :action => :catedit},:with => "'id=#{}'") %></td>

What happens when you try ?


Frederick Cheung wrote:

Frederick Cheung wrote: >> i have table pro_categories and i am handle add update from admins >> controller but can not destroy record from there i mean using admin >> controller

> What happens when you try ?

> Fred

it's url is like thishttp:// i have no pro_categories controller so i want to define this delete method in admin controller and i want to delete pro_categories's record.(actually i have procategorie model.)

either fiddle with your routes so that you have an admin namespace (so that you can do stuff like link_to 'destroy', admin_product_path (p), ...) or don't use the restful stuff.
