Default value in select_tag

Dear all

I have the following select_tag in view

<%= select_tag(:event_status, options_for_select([""]) + options_from_collection_for_select(@event_status_list, :value, :detail)) %>

which give the following drop down item "" Ignore Problem Normal Handling

I want to set the default value to "Problem". I have used google but cannot find my desired output.

I try the following, but failed...

<%= select_tag(:event_status, options_for_select([""]) + options_from_collection_for_select(@event_status_list||"Problem", :value, :detail)) %>

Can anyone give me some hints.

Thank you. Valentino

Valentino Lun wrote:

<%= select_tag(:event_status, options_for_select([""]) + options_from_collection_for_select(@event_status_list, :value, :detail)) %>

The trick is recognizing options_from_collection_for_select(), not select_tag(), creates the <options>, and only they can use the selected='selected' attribute.

Google for options_from_collection_for_select() and "default value"...

<%= select_tag(:event_status, options_for_select([""]) + options_from_collection_for_select (@event_status_list||"Problem", :value, :detail, @selected_status)) %>


Hadn't realized that you were trying to specify "Problem" as the default. Note that if your :value method gives another result for "Problem", like for example, 1, then you have to change the selected field accordingly.

<%= select_tag(:event_status, options_for_select([""]) + options_from_collection_for_select (@event_status_list, :value, :detail, "Problem")) %>