Bit of a conundrum, I'm trying to offer a user the opportunity to update 3 drop down collection selects at once which is working fine my only problem is I can't seem to get the default value to display, I've tried using :selected but that doesn't seem to be working, my code looks like:
In the view:
<%for assigned in @degree.assigneds%> <p><label for="assigned_grade">Grade</label><br/> <%=text_field 'assigned', 'grade',"value" =>assigned.grade %></p>
<p><label for="'assigned'">Qualification ID</
<%=collection_select('assigned', :qual_id, @quals,:id, :screen_qual,{},:selected=>assigned.qual_id)%><br /> <%end%>
In the controller
@degree.attributes = params[:degree] @degree.assigneds.each { |assigned| assigned.attributes = params['assigned'] } if @degree.valid? && @degree.assigneds.all?(&:valid?)! @degree.assigneds.each(&:save!) redirect_to :action => 'show', :id => @degree else render :action => 'edit' end
if I change the first variable in the collection select from 'assigned' to just :assigned then it does work but then I can;t work out how to differentiate between the input from each of the drop downs in the controller.
Any help would be much appreciated