Decent documentation?

Jamie (fearoffish) and I are working on improving the docs for Rails.

We're making "top-level" progress right now, documenting/re-documenting high level things that need to be improved, but on our lower passes, we'll drill down to this level and document every options hash, every argument, and so on. It'll take us a little time to get there, but we're working on it.

If you want to watch our progress (we work all day, every Monday), then you can check out and use login guest and password guest.

Thanks! Jeremy

This is terrific news, Jeremy! Is there any way of viewing some of your work? I found the to-do lists on your project, but no actual content.



If you checkout the “Messages” tab, you can check out the tickets we’ve submitted so far. They’re not great in number (we had a lot of setup and planning to do!), but we’re hoping to start submitting more tickets this week. :slight_smile:

Thanks Jeremy