Dealing with created_on and updated_on ?

Hi everyone,

I'm working through some of the books and all going fairly well...

But I'm just wondering why when you create a scaffold for a table why it includes created_on/at and updated_on/at fields for the create and edit modes ?

As these are internally updated fields they should not be exposed to user access...

So how do I now take them out of the forms & let them create/update themselves ?

TIA - Dave Porter

Hi Dave, how did you create these model(s)? Did you mean the create and edit actions for the controller? In any case, you simply remove this information from the view in question.

Good luck,


created_on/at updated_on/at are magic column names used by ActiveRecord. They store the date/date+time when the table for the corresponding object is created/updated.

You sholdn't need them in the form at all. Those fields will be updated automatically when you create, save, etc. on the model object.


Have a look at the migration for the table. Yo