Currency exchange dynamic data

Hi Folks, i want to add a table with some currecny exchange values that i have to update 2-3 times a day. the problem is i have to update the file and restart the webserver to have the change taking effect .

Is there another way to do it on a simple file without having to restart the webserver ?

any ideas suggetion are welcome.


Use database to save currency exchange. then you dont need to restart server. Or when currency file updated reload it, its looks like you loading it in environment.rb, use same loader when you update currencies.

Hi Folks, i want to add a table with some currecny exchange values that i have to update 2-3 times a day.

Do you mean a table on a web page or a table in the database?

the problem is i have to update the file and restart the webserver to have the change taking effect .

I presume from this that you mean the data is in a file.

Is there another way to do it on a simple file without having to restart the webserver ?

One solution is to put the currency data in a table in the database. Write a rake task to read from the file and update the db and run this when the file changes. You could just put the update code in db/seeds.rb and then run rake db:seed (which runs seeds.rb).


Colin Law wrote in post #985599: is a good free to use online tutorial. Forget about your current project and work right through the tutorial to get the hang of what it is all about. looks fun but I have not tried it. Also see the Rails Guides. seeds.rb is just a file that is executed when you run rake db:seed.


Hi Folks,

i want to add a table with some currecny exchange values that i have to

update 2-3 times a day. the problem is i have to update the file and restart the webserver to

have the change taking effect .

Is there another way to do it on a simple file without having to restart

the webserver ?

If you are updating a table and rendering to a dynamic page you should not have to restart the webserver. Otherwise you should provide specific details of what you are trying to do and why specifically you have to restart the webserver.

Hi Folks,

i want to add a table with some currecny exchange values that i have to

update 2-3 times a day. the problem is i have to update the file and restart the webserver to

have the change taking effect .

Is there another way to do it on a simple file without having to restart

the webserver ?

Sorry… did not see all the responses, maybe I am going insane or does gmail sometime not show the thread responses sometimes.