Cucumber and Routing

Hi folks,

I've made a simple rails app that reads the PDFs contained in /public/ files/, and creates links to those files. I'm doing this for the purpose of using cucumber to perform automated tests on PDFs as outlined here:

When I access the list, everything works great. When I ask Cucumber to click on the link, it complains about there being no route.

When I follow the PDF link "TestPDF" # features/step_definitions/ webrat_steps.rb:117       No route matches "/files/TestPDF.pdf" with {:method=>:get} (ActionController::RoutingError)       (evl):2:in `click_link'       ./features/step_definitions/webrt_steps.rb:118:in `/^I follow the PDF link "([^\"]*)"$/'       features/PDF.feature:8:in `When I follow the PDF link "TestPDF"'

I just have a lists Controller with an empty index action, and the following view: <h1>Listing PDFs</h1>

<ul> <% @files = Dir.glob("public/files/*.pdf") %> <% for file in @files %>   <% file.sub!("public", "")%>   <% filename = file.sub("/files/", "")%>   <li>       <%= link_to filename.chomp(".pdf"), file%>     </li> <% end %> </ul> <br />

My step definition for cucumber looks like this, mostly commented out When /^I follow the PDF link "([^\"]*)"$/ do |link|   click_link(link)   #temp_pdf ='pdf')   #temp_pdf << response.body   #temp_pdf.close   #temp_txt ='txt')   #temp_txt.close   #'pdftotext -q #{temp_pdf.path} #{temp_txt.path}'   #response.body = temp_txt.path end