Creating an email array based off search results

I'm trying to perform a search a a list of people and then create an email based on the emails found in the result set. Any idea how to do this? I figure this is a model topic as I need the figure out the logic to generate an array of the emails in the results set. I'm using the acts_as_ferret plugin and the instance variable is @volunteers which means that the emails I need are in the instance variable @volunteers but I don't know how to get them out of it and into the mail_to link below - hopefully in the form of a nice method like "volunter_emails_from_search" below.

The code to generate the email looks like the following: [code: ruby] <%= mail_to "#{volunter_emails_from_search}", "Email", :subject => "This is an example email" %> [/code]

Is @volunteers an array of Volunteer models, perhaps where each has

Assuming that, it's just a matter of iterating...

<% @volunteers.each do |volunteer| %>   <%= mail_to,, :subject => "the example subject" %> <% end %>

The "" is listed twice because it's the link and it's the display for the link.

Does that help? Or were you needing something else?


I'm actually looking to have one mail link that will mail to all the recipients below. So if I have 5 volunteers in the search results I can email them with a single click. Iterating just gives me multiple email links which I can easily do with the results. This should be a really easy thing to do I just can't figure out how to pass an array of email address to the mail_to parameters so I have a single link with an array of addresses.

Etandrib wrote:

I'm actually looking to have one mail link that will mail to all the recipients below. So if I have 5 volunteers in the search results I can email them with a single click. Iterating just gives me multiple email links which I can easily do with the results. This should be a really easy thing to do I just can't figure out how to pass an array of email address to the mail_to parameters so I have a single link with an array of addresses.

Create a button in the view that will post back with the list of addressees, and have the controller call a model method to do the emails... somebody somewhere will have to do the iteration, and I'd guess it should be the controller, unless you have a volunteer_list model that understands multiple volunteers.

The problem is that there is no ideal way to include multiple addresses in the mail_to link.

So, I see two options:

1) just use one of the "nonstandard" ways, like having a list of email addresses separated by commas, or 2) instead of using a mail_to link, have it call an action and have that action use ActionMailer. Then, you can specify all the addresses you need.

If you go with option 1, just use: join(",") on the email addresses array.

If you go with option 2, which is much better but more work, you can pass the array in as the recipients list.

