Create mutiple row one time and save into database.

{"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"fB/ZNf3dnFz9OVa/h34xbNysN0AlxcIiPs=", "f"=>[{"columns_id"=>"4", "column_value"=>"rrr", "users_id"=>"2"}, {"columns_id"=>"5", "column_value"=>"ttt", "users_id"=>"2"}], "commit"=>"Save changes"}

I want to store object values but how to store multiple record at same time using controller.

my controller code -

def create   params[:f].each do |user_params|   end end

my view code -

<%= form_for(:detail, :url => {:controller => 'details', :action => 'create'}) do %>   <% @info.each do |article| %>     <%= hidden_field_tag "f[columns_id]", %>     <p>       <td><%= article.value %></td>       <td><%= text_field_tag "f[column_value]" %></td>     </p></br>     <%= hidden_field_tag "f[users_id]", %>   <% end %>   <p class="button"><%= submit_tag %></p> <% end %>

Its gives error ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesError how to solve please help me

You cannot use params[:f] that way.

You want to store what object values? Is it just one object or two related objects?Try using this rails convention ActiveRecord::NestedAttributes::ClassMethods

Make your life easier, stick to rails conventions.

I suggest you use a Form Object for this: 7 Patterns to Refactor Fat ActiveRecord Models | Code Climate It’s not that our form is overly complex, but it falls outside of rails conventions.

Anyway, please, do not put such logic in the controller, make a static method on the model at least.