Copying controller methods to helpers.

In your ApplicationController:

helper_method :can_view?, :can_modify?

Ok Chris, I like helper method, but sometimes the list grows too long.

I used to have following code in my application.rb

helper_method :current_url,:rand_between,:url_without_port,:market_open_time_in_utc,:market_close_time_in_utc,:market_current_time_in_utc,:market_local_time_as_str,:redirect_to_login,:current_domain,:diode,:triode,:pipe_val

in those cases, what would the best approach? Moving them to a plugin?


  You could store all of those methods in a module name WhateverModule. Then just include that in yoru controller and view helpers and it will bve shared without all the ugly helper calls:

module WhateverModule    def some_methods    end end

class ApplicationController < ...     include WhateverModule end

module ApplicationHelper    include WhateverModule end

Cheers- -- Ezra Zygmuntowicz-- Lead Rails Evangelist -- -- Engine Yard, Serious Rails Hosting -- (866) 518-YARD (9273)

Hmm makes sense.
