hello list,
ive got a simple problem of copying a row to another table the to tables have enough identical columns, so i used the attributes hash of my object to get less work with it
the my piece of code for that
def activate @priv_property = PrivProperty.find(params[:id])
cols = {} @priv_property.attributes.each do |k, v| tmp = {k.intern => v} cols.merge(tmp) tmp.clear end
cols[:adat] = Time.now cols[:edat] = Time.now cols[:sendetermin] = Time.now cols[:mkunr] = cols[:maknr] cols[:maknr] = 111 cols[:refnr] = cols[:reccou] cols[:rc] = cols[:refnr] cols.delete(:reccou) cols[:reccou] = nil
["objstatpriv", "objreccou", "objaktiv", "objdeaktiv", "objlztage", "vertrag", "objretage", "objbrutto", "objmwst", "zahlart", "dtadat", "woher", "refnr"].each do |c| cols.delete(c) end
property = Property.new property.save!
ActiveRecord::Base.whiny_protected_attributes = false property.update_attributes(cols) ActiveRecord::Base.whiny_protected_attributes = true
render :nothing => true end
fetching and so on is ok but the attributes hash has string indexes and updates_attributes calls symbols so i decided to solve this by convert the string index to symbol into a new hash named cols but that doesnt work
and my question is why it doesnt work?
have anybody a good solution or tipp for my problem?