converting the following sql

Outcome.find(:all, :conditions => 'outcomes.outcome_date = (select max(o2.outcome_date) from outcomes o2 where o2.testrun_id = outcomes.testrun_id and o2.testcase_id = outcomes.testcase_id)')


BUt im still struggling, for example, theres a slight change:

select count(*) from outcomes o1 where o1.outcome_date = (select max(o2.outcome_date) from outcomes o2 where o2.testrun_id = o1.testrun_id and o2.testcase_id = o1.testcase_id and o1.testrun_id = '31' and o1.result_id = '1');

I want to substitute the '31' with instance variable @testrun

so in your example, how do i escape the '' string to insert the instance variable:


... .... o2.testcase_id = outcomes.testcase_id AND {OUTCOMES.TESTRUN_ID => @TESTRUN} and outcomes.result_id = "1")')

thanks though, i now understand alot more!

Building on Maurício's response:

Outcome.find(:all, :conditions => ['outcomes.outcome_date = (SELECT MAX(o2.outcome_date) FROM outcomes AS o2 WHERE o2.testrun_id = outcomes.testrun_id AND o2.testcase_id = outcomes.testcase_id) AND outcomes.testrun_id = ? AND outcomes.result_id = ?', @testrun, '1'])

You were close. Look at the docs for the conditions value, the form of an array is:   ["sql fragment with placeholders',    placeholder_1_value, placeholder_2_value]


Rob Biedenharn