controller from plugin not working

I have a controller:

vendor/plugins/buoy_report/lib/app/controllers/ buoy_station_controller.rb

class BuoyStationController < ActionController::Base

  def index     render :text => 'buoy test'   end


when I try the url for rails 2.3.11:


I get:

Routing Error No route matches "/buoy_station/index" with {:method=>:get}

Hi jedrin

first of all, you should make sure that this route is really existing(you can type rake routes | grep "buoy_station"). secondly, you have to add the following configurations to vendor/ plugins/buoy_report/lib/buoy_station.rb :

%w{ models controllers helpers }.each do |dir| path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'app', dir) $LOAD_PATH << path ActiveSupport::Dependencies.load_paths << path ActiveSupport::Dependencies.load_once_paths.delete(path) end

This is important to add your plugin files to the load path and make them appear just like files in the main app directory.

i hope that this helps you for more information in how to make a plugin, this link could be helpful:


I seem to remember some of that, it's been awhile.

I put that code in my plugin that you posted, I am still having the same problem


'rake routes' just shows these.

/:controller/:action/:id /:controller/:action/:id(.:format)

I have a controller:

vendor/plugins/buoy_report/lib/app/controllers/ buoy_station_controller.rb

That should probably be vendor/plugins/buoy_report/app/controllers/ buoy_station_controller.rb if you want it to get picked up automatically by rails


Thanks alot.

I went through this whole thing like below, was that unnecessary ?

module BuoyReport #:nodoc:   module Routing #:nodoc:     module MapperExtensions       def buoy_reports         @set.add_route("/buoy_report", {:controller => "buoy_reports", :action => "index"})       end     end   end end

ActionController::Routing::RouteSet::Mapper.send :include, BuoyReport::Routing::MapperExtensions

sorry, i maked a mistake, you should put the configurations in vendor/ plugins/buoy_report/lib/buoy_report.rb instead of: vendor/plugins/buoy_report/lib/buoy_station.rb

concerning route , why don't put map.resources :buoy_station in the main routes file?


I have seen your posts suggesting to load paths for all controllers/ models/views from plugin.

I used the following command :

%w{ models controllers }.each do |dir|   path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'app', dir)   $LOAD_PATH << path puts path puts "yeyeyeyyeyeye" ActiveSupport::Dependencies.load_paths << path ActiveSupport::Dependencies.load_once_paths.delete(path)

but getting following error :

undefined method `load_paths' for ActiveSupport::Dependencies:Module (NoMethodError)

I know sometime back you also got the same error. Please let me know what was the root cause.

Thanks in advance.

Jony Malhotra