Confirm box depending on input value

I'm very new to javascript so don't judge hard (any suggestions or comments would be highly appreciated).

I have a form in my rails app (haml file):

= simple_form_for(@book, remote: true) do |f|   .row   .form-group     = f.input :book_title, as: :string, label: "Title of a book"     %br     = f.input :pages_number, as: :string, label: "Number of pages"     %br   .form-actions     = f.button :submit, "Create", class: "btn btn-success"     = link_to t('buttons.cancel'), '#', onclick: "$.modal.close()", class: 'btn btn-warning pull-right'

The action in controller which opens a form:

  def new     @book =   end

The action in controller which saves a form:

  def create   end

What I'm trying to do is check whether input number of pages is bigger than 10. I want to create a confirm box.

I was trying to save @pages_number = params[:pages_number] in create action, and use data: (@pages_number < 10 ? { confirm: "Are you sure?" } : nil) in the view, but it didn't work.

Do I need to use Javascript in this case?