Conditions on :include associations outer joins

I have three models

User   has_many :reviews   has_many :review_invites end

Review   has_one :user end

ReviewInvite   has_one_user end

For someone to access a particular review, they need to own it, or be invited.

@user = User.find(user_id                             :include => [:review, :review_invite],                             :condition => 'filter to a certain review id);

Even if a user has no review invites or owns no reviews, I still want the user data returned, with all other fields padded null, ie standard outer join behavior.

Rails generates SQL like the following:

select columns from users   left outer join reviews on reviews.user_id =   left outer join reviewers on reviewers.user_id = where my_conditions_clause and = user_id;

In my mind, this SQL is not correct for what I want (it doesn't work correctly either). It seems to join all the tables and then apply a filter to joined result, while I really want to filter the tables in the join conditions, like this:

select columns from users   left outer join reviews on reviews.user_id = AND REVIEWS.ID = param[:review_id]   left outer join reviewers on reviewers.user_id = AND REVIEWERS.ID = param[:review_id] where = user_id;

Which does give me the answer I want, even if a user has no reviews or invites.

I have fudged this behavior in before when using a single :include by specifying a joins parameter, but I cannot see how I can do this with two associations. Is there any way to get what I want without resorting to SQL?

It seems to me like the Rails way to do this is something like

@user = User.find(user_id                             :include => [:review => { :conditions => [ ' = ?', review_id ] },                                               :review_invite => { conditions => ['reviewers.review_id' = ?] } )

But I cannot find anything in the docs that implies this is possible.

Please help!




reflect_on_association does the trick. I take it that does something to the User class behind the scenes, so I best do something like

User.reflect_on_association(:reviewers).options[:conditions] = nil

After using it so I don't end up with a nasty bug somewhere else?

stephen O'D wrote:

reflect_on_association does the trick. I take it that does something to the User class behind the scenes, so I best do something like

User.reflect_on_association(:reviewers).options[:conditions] = nil

After using it so I don't end up with a nasty bug somewhere else?

Yes, either clear the conditions option after the find, or create a separate association that has its conditions manipulated, leaving the original unaltered.