Three models: Product, Image, Document Relations: A product has many images and documents. Images and products has a flag telling whether or not they are published.
I want to show a product and include only documents and images that
are published.I was hoping I could do this in my controller: @product = Product.find(params[:id], :include =>
[:images, :documents], :conditions => '(images.published=1 AND documents.published=1')That worked great as long as the product had at least one published image and at least one published document. If not, I would get a recordnotfound exception.
What I'm currently doing is this: @product = Product.find(params[:id], :include =>
[:images, :documents]) @product.documents.delete_if{|d| d.published == false} @product.images.delete_if{|i| i.published == false}This works but I'm curious if the original query can be modified to handle cases where a product doesnt have at least one published image and document. Can it?
When you do a join based include this is what happens: conditions on
the associations can filter out their parents.
One thing that does work is
Product.find(:all, :include =>
[:published_images, :published_documents])
where those are associations with images & documents with the
condition that published is true
This stuff tends to be a bit messy though.
Lastly there is very little benefit in eager loading when you only
have 1 parent record.