conditional link_to_remote not re-rendering

I have an int, 'floorfrozen,' in my table, 'channels' that can take a value of 0 or 1.

When I render a page, an image in a link_to_remote is called differently depending what the value of channel.floorfrozen is, in a partial, as follows:

<% if @channel.floorfrozen %> <%= link_to_remote image_tag("/images/icecube.gif"), {:url => {:controller => 'channels',:action => 'freezer'}},:title => 'Unfreeze the floor', :type => "submit",:style => "float: right; border-style: groove; padding: 1px;" %> <% else %> <%= link_to_remote image_tag("/images/icecube.gif"), {:url => {:controller => 'channels',:action => 'freezer'}},:title => 'Freeze the floor', :type => "submit",:style => "float: right; border-style: ridge; padding: 1px;" %> <% end %>

The problem is that the image remains the same! The functionality of what is occuring in the the controller action, channel.freezer, is correct, but the link_to_remote never rerenders UNLESS I refresh the page. Can somene tell me why this is and how I can fix it so that my page renders properly? Thanks, Janna B.

def freezer       if @channel.floorfrozen == 0           @channel.update_attributes(:floorfrozen => 1)           @channel.floorfrozen = 1         else          @channel.update_attributes(:floorfrozen => 0)          @channel.floorfrozen = 0         end         render :action => 'display' end

I'm stumped here -- well aware that link_to_remote is intended to do something other than what I am trying to use it for. You see, I need to create a sort of button, that takes an image and that has different looks (css styles, depending upon the state of a variable), that works without rendering a page.

God. Does anyone know any way I can accomplish this? It SEEMS like it is easiest solved as a rails solution because of the Ajax helpers inherint in Rails -- but I am open to anything! -Janna B

I'm stumped here -- well aware that link_to_remote is intended to do something other than what I am trying to use it for. You see, I need to create a sort of button, that takes an image and that has different looks (css styles, depending upon the state of a variable), that works without rendering a page.

Well you're calling render in your action but you haven't told link_to_remote what it should do with the html that is rendered so it just dumps it on the floor. (Have a look at link_to_remote's :update option)


Fred, I put the whole div with the link_to_remote's in it's own partial:

<div id="buttonrak1"> <% if @channel.floorfrozen != 0 %> <%= link_to_remote image_tag("/images/icecube.gif"), {:url => {:controller => 'channels',:action => 'freezer', :update => 'buttonrak1'}},:title => 'Unfreeze the floor', :type => "submit",:style => "float: right; border-style: groove; padding: 1px;" %> <% else %> <%= link_to_remote image_tag("/images/icecube.gif"), {:url => {:controller => 'channels',:action => 'freezer', :update => 'buttonrak1'}},:title => 'Freeze the floor', :type => "submit",:style => "float: right; border-style: ridge; padding: 1px;" %> <% end %> </div>

Then, in my controller, I re-render the partial (i.e. the div with the link_to_remotes):

def freezer ###blah blah         render :partial => 'brack1partial'   end

[Do not hit {tab} while attempting to post!]

....continuing, the point is, it does NOT rerender that partial / div even though the controller code is being executed properly. Isn;t this the way I should do something though for link_to_remote when what I want to update contains the html portion that calls it? -Janna B

Fred, I put the whole div with the link_to_remote's in it's own partial:

<div id="buttonrak1"> <% if @channel.floorfrozen != 0 %> <%= link_to_remote image_tag("/images/icecube.gif"), {:url => {:controller => 'channels',:action => 'freezer', :update => 'buttonrak1'}},:title => 'Unfreeze the floor', :type => "submit",:style => "float: right; border-style: groove; padding: 1px;"

You've put the update in the hash of url options, which you shouldn't do. It should be link_to_remote 'blah', {:url => {...}, :update => "..."}, html_options


You know....your sharing of your knowledge on here...I can read all day long on Ruby, and I can write code all day long -- but when you (and a few others on this list as well) point out what should be obvious (errors) to me, it REALLY sinks in, and my understanding of this grows exponentially, and I am obligated in the future to contribute to others questions as my knowledge level increases.

I really cannot thank you -- and the others here who help, enough. - Janna B