conditional join selection with active record

hello list,

i'm searching for an implementation of the following sql statement:

SELECT inserent.* FROM inserent join (select objpriv.maknr from objpriv where objpriv.bankkto like '593%' and objpriv.zahlart = 'B' group by objpriv.maknr) o on o.maknr = inserent.insnr

ORDER BY inserent.AENDDATUM desc

evidently, i solved my problem with

@advertisers = Advertiser.paginate( :select => "inserent.*", :order => "inserent.AENDDATUM desc", :from => "inserent join (select objpriv.maknr from objpriv where objpriv.bankkto like '#{query}' and objpriv.zahlart = 'B' group by objpriv.maknr) o on o.maknr = inserent.insnr")

but, the pagination is broken. i know i'm abusing the from parameter for my needs

what's the way to implement it?

thanks for all your help

best regards

Use the :joins parameter ?
