command line erb?


Is there a command line ERB?

I’ve heard of one but if I look for an ERB executable I can’t see one

I am in windows, I don’t know if there is one in linux but not in windows? if perhaps the issue is different distros of ruby , I don’t know which distro I have / how to find out.


Is there a command line ERB?

I suspect you're looking for "irb" -- Interactive Ruby.

I am in windows, I don't know if there is one in linux but not in windows? if perhaps the issue is different distros of ruby , I don't know which distro I have / how to find out.

I can't help with the windows part, but how did you install Ruby? Where is the ruby executable? I would think there would be an "irb" executable in the same directory.

Also, `ruby --version` should tell you what you have installed.


No, ERB is not IRB. ERB is called Embedded Ruby, people often use it when they use Rails.

rails console?

So what would a "command line ERB" do exactly?

No not the rails console!

ERB stands for Embedded Ruby!

You know when you do rails generate controller abc def

you get a file def.html.erb

that’s an ERB file, an Embedded Ruby file

The contents of that file get preprocessed , such that anything outside of <%…%> gets outputted, and anything inside <%…%> gets executed and <%=…%> involves execution and a result outputted.

PHP has a similar concept… PHP though also has a PHP.EXE file that you can run a file through and get the output.

I see it now, it’s mentioned here

C:\Ruby24-x64\bin>dir erb.* /s/b




C:\blah>type a.erb

<%= 5 %>

C:\blah>erb a.erb



Ok I understand, sorry but I never need a thing such these so I can’t help you.


Well, you learn something every day :grinning:

In 10 years of developing Rails apps I've never had a use case that required that, but good to know...

Yes ok you couldn’t help with that but I found the answer eventually, I mentioned it in my post, so it’s ok. Thanks…

This solved my problem. Thanks!