collections with to_proc

why does this work? {|u| == 'Bob'}

but this doesn't == 'Bob')


Because that evaluates as == 'Bob')) ie &false and false doesn't have a to_proc method. The Symbol#to_proc is convenient shorthand but it's not a catch all.



Thanks for the reply. I'm not sure I understand the response. By
that logic the following also evaluates to false but it seem to work.

Are you saying this syntax is impossible for what I'm trying to do?
The issue I have is that I already have this statement embedded in an
inject inside an HTML construct and it's to many {}

I thing you need to understand what's going on behind the scenes. You
could just write {|u|} but that's a bit tedious When you pass to a method an argument prefixed by & that tell ruby
'this is a proc and you should use this proc as the block for this
method. For example, this also words p = lambda {|u|}

Ruby being ruby, it doesn't really care if what you pass is actually a
proc, it just needs to look enough like one and will call to_proc on
such arguments. What people have done is define Symbol#to_proc in such a way that it
creates a proc that does the right thing

If we were to limit ourselves to the case where the block takes a
single argument it's as simple as

def to_proc{|arg| arg.send(self) end It's a bit more complicated to cope with when the block is passed
multiple arguments

This fundamentally can't handle something like &:name == 'Bob', like I
said it ends up trying to call to_proc on false.
