Bob Sanders wrote:
Let's say I have a dropdown selection list of existing teachers. The user can (1) select any one teacher, or (2) create a new one.
How would you tackle something like that?
I'm thinking what I could do is check if there's any data inputted into the "new teacher" field -- and if there is, create a new teacher. But, the issue with that is the user might also have an existing teacher highlighted, so that creates confusion -- (not to mention bad usability!)
Based on your supreme knowledge, how would you approach something like this?
I don't think you should allow people to create new teachers this way - you need to control the quality of people who teach the future!!
But seriously, I've given the same thing some thought for one of my applications (and haven't yet implemented anything for it) but in my opinion, there are a couple of main ways to do it: 1. Have an option for 'Other (enter below):' and the person has to select that option and enter a name in the new teacher box.
2. Use Javascript & AJAX that if such an option is selected, it darkens out some of the screen and shows a div that allows you to create a new teacher record and then updates the select box.
3. Have a checkbox that allows you to create a new teacher. When the user checks it, the drop down select list is hidden and a new field is shown for creating a teacher.
What do you think?
Cheers, Mohit. 8/24/2007 | 6:01 PM.