Checkboxes across multiple objects

So I have a list of jobs which I show like this. (cleaned up..)

_list.rhtml <table> <% for job in @jobs %>

<tr><td><%= %></td></tr>

<% end %>

I want checkboxes next to each and every job name and a button or link somewhere else on the page to "delete selected", "publish selected" , and "unpublish selected"

I have seen the RailsCast which does this, but it uses REST and I am not using REST and am confused.

Can anyone help?

I need the data of the checkboxes in the controller. Just not sure how to get it.

I am pretty sure I want something like this in the view. <td align="center"><%= check_box_tag "job_ids", %></td>

But don't know what the form header or submit buttons should look like to get me the data in the controller.

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You are right about the checkbox; it should look something like that. I believe the correct form is: <%= check_box("job_ids", %> Then you just use an old school form(on top of my head): <%- form_tag :controller => 'foo', :action => 'bar' do -%> <%= check_box("job_ids", %> <%= submit_tag("Go") <%- end -%> But I might be sadly mistaken. :wink:

With kind regards, Harm

Yea, not so much.

I need to then access the data in the controller.

And I want to be able to do different things to the data based on three different (Links or Submit Buttons)

Yea, not so much.

I need to then access the data in the controller.

But you can pull that from the params right? params[:job_ids] is an array of ids.

And I want to be able to do different things to the data based on three different (Links or Submit Buttons)

In that case you can look at the params[:commit] value.


So I finally got that working.

Parameters: {"commit"=>"delete selected", "job_ids"=>["1632", "1633", "1634"], "action"=>"updateselected", "controller"=>"jobs"}

I can access the Ids no problem from the controller.

Now the only thing I would like to do is make these "links" instead of "submit buttons" to make the app look a little better.

I want to either have three links [Delete Selected, Publish Selected, UnPublish Selected]

Or do a Drop down like Gmail does for the actions availble when I select a bunch of emails.

Can anyone help with that?

Right now all I have in the view is

<%= submit_tag 'delete selected'%> <%= submit_tag 'publish selected'%> ...

Thanks, Mark