Check if Active Directory user account disabled

Hi all,

I am new to Rails and in my app I need to check if a user account is disabled in Active Directory. I am not using AD for Rails authentication. I've searched around and I'm getting overwhelmed with the answers. What would be the easiest way to go about this? Should I just do some type of LDAP query?

Later on I will probably need the ability to enable/disable the Active Directory account.


here are some options

Thanks Jason! I ended up using net-ldap and just querying for userAccountControl and comparing against this list:

def new_ldap_connection       host: ENV['ad_host'],       port: ENV['ad_port'],       encryption: :simple_tls,       base: ENV['ad_base'],       auth: {           method: :simple,           username: ENV['ad_username'],           password: ENV['ad_password'] }) end

def ldap_account_status(user)   userAccountControl = new_ldap_connection().search(       filter: Net::LDAP::Filter.eq('sAMAccountName', user.uniqname),       attributes: %w[ userAccountControl ],       return_result: true)

  if userAccountControl.nil? || userAccountControl.length == 0     return 'no account'   else     case userAccountControl.first.userAccountControl.first       when ('512' || '544' || '66048') then return 'enabled'       when ('514' || '546' || '66050') then return 'disabled'       else return 'unknown'     end   end end