Ruby rails - net-ldap search not working

I am trying to search ldap. This is doing successful authentication, ldap connection is successful. Then when I make a search query it can not read attributes from LDAP (AD). What is wrong here?

#!/usr/bin/env ruby require "net-ldap" $username =

class ActiveDirectoryUser   SERVER = ''   PORT = 389   BASE = 'DC=mydomain,DC=com'   DOMAIN = ''

  def self.authenticate(login, pass)     conn = :host => SERVER,                          :port => PORT,                          :base => BASE,                          :auth => { :username => "#{login}@#{DOMAIN}",                                     :password => pass,                                     :method => :simple }     if conn.bind         :base => BASE, :filter => Net::LDAP::Filter.eq( "sAMAccountName", login ),         :attributes => %w[ givenName ], :return_result => true) do


        puts "givenName: #{entry.givenName}"         $username = entry.givenName         end         return true

    else       return false     end   rescue Net::LDAP::LdapError => e     return false   end end

if ActiveDirectoryUser.authenticate('myusername', 'mypassword') puts "Authentication Successful! The user is "+$username #I get this, but blank username else puts "Authentication FAILED!" end