I want to develope a chat client in rails .Please suggest me what i should do.?
Thanks in advance
I want to develope a chat client in rails .Please suggest me what i should do.?
Thanks in advance
I’d like some suggestions too.
I heard about Juggernaut (http://juggernaut.rubyforge.org/) and RailsChat(http://code.google.com/p/railschat/), but I don’t know if these projects are active.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
hey I want to develope a chat client in rails .Please suggest me what i should do.?
I wrote a long polling based system a few years ago, with a c++ server handling the long-lived connections using epoll/kqueue (you could also do this in ruby if you weren't going to have too many connections). You might also want to look into websockets, there are a some ruby implementations of the server side bits around. There are also a variety of like http://www.ape-project.org/ which purport to insulate you from the vagaries of what browser supports what methods best (I haven't used this)
Probably the easiest (yes I know that might be very subjective) way of getting you running is to use Faye. Just google Faye github or something to get more infos. its also covered in one of the railscasts.com screencasts.
Regards Stefano
yep, I also realized one with Faye follwing the railscast "messagin with faye" was straight forward and works well also you want obviously do the necessary tom improve the user experience a little.