chart in rails

Hi All i am trying to use Open Flash Chart i tried this as instracted in this link

bat at finally i got the following error undefined method `open_flash_chart_object' for #<TestItController: 0x398df5c> At presnet i cant understand what to do. please help me to solve this problem.. please

You have already posted a very similar question, please don't do that. I have not used open flash chart, and I guess you have followed all the instructions given on the github page correctly (including plugin installation: see in your vendor/plugins directory to check if it is installed properly)

You are in a different timezone than most of the other rails developers, so probably waiting for at least 12 hours will be a good idea.

Thanks, Abhinav


I have worked on few charts using Open Flash successfully. please follow the tutorial for open flash chart using pull monkey. You need to give your controller name/ method name in the parameter ie in the first method. Second method contains the actual code for a graph. If you don’t get it i will send you an example so that you can carry ahead with your work.

good luck!!
