Hi. I have download OpenFlashCharts library for RubyonRails. And when I try to make a chart a have problem with data for this chart code samples from examples which are on this web-site are'nt working http://pullmonkey.com/projects/open_flash_chart
for example
def piechart @graph = open_flash_chart_object(500,250, '/projects/pie', false, '/projects/') end def pie data = 5.times do |t| data << rand(10) + 5 end
g = Graph.new g.pie(60, '#505050', '#000000') g.pie_values(data, %w(IE FireFox Opera Wii Other)) g.pie_slice_colors(%w(#d01fc3 #356aa0 #c79810)) g.set_tool_tip("#val#%") g.title("Pie Chart", '{font-size:18px; color: #d01f3c}' ) render :text => g.render end end
dont draw me a chart but when I put data for chart to /projects/pie/newfile this script draw me chart but problem is in that data must be generated automatically without putting data in another file.
Thanks for replies.