Can't save to the database?


I didn't take much time to look at this, but maybe try using create! or save! - it should throw an exception if it doesn't save - right now it's just silently failing. e.g.

          guess = Guess.create!(:game_id => game_id, :home_score => homescore_val, :away_score => visitingscore_val, :user_id => cuser, :gameweek_id => gameweek_id)

HTH, Nicholas

Nicholas Henry wrote:


I didn't take much time to look at this, but maybe try using create! or save! - it should throw an exception if it doesn't save - right now it's just silently failing. e.g.

          guess = Guess.create!(:game_id => game_id, :home_score => homescore_val, :away_score => visitingscore_val, :user_id => cuser, :gameweek_id => gameweek_id)

HTH, Nicholas

On Dec 31, 6:25 pm, Dave Amos <>

Thanks for the tip! It turned out that it was failing a validation, but I wouldn't have seen that without the save! . Thanks again!