Can't get this Rspec test to pass

Hello, I found a solution that makes this test pass and it was simply to mock out the controller's find method as such:

Herd.stub(:find).with( { mock_herd }

I am probably not fully understanding RSpec but this feels strange to me. In my understanding of writing tests, you want to first prepare the test environment by creating the proper database/objects relevant to the testing environment, pass the relevant parameters and test the results of method you are testing. Mocking out this controller code @herd = Herd.find(params[:herd_id]) with this Herd.stub(:find).with( { mock_herd } doesn't seem to let the controller test it's own code? Why can't the parameters I'm passing to the controller be enough to test Herd.find(params[:herd_id]) ?

Please help me understand this?