"can't activate activesupport" error


I've got a production server with rails 1.2.3 installed. Previously my app had frozen rails 1.2.3 as well. I decided to update frozen rails to 1.2.6.

Deployment went fine until rake task was executed, which resulted in the following error:

rake aborted! can't activate activesupport (>= 1.4.4), already activated activesupport-1.4.2]

On the server there's installed activesupport 1.4.2 (by rails 1.2.3) and 1.4.4 needed by will_paginate gem.

The 1.4.4 it's complaining about is used by frozen rails 1.2.6. I can't update rails gem to 1.2.6, because there are other rails app running.

"mongrel_rails cluster::start -C ..." command says "Starting 3 Mongrel servers...", but mongrels are not started.

Do you guys have any idea how to fix it?

BTW. How does one revert deployment made by capistrano/deprec? Can I simply modify "current" link to previous release?

Szymon Nowak wrote:

rake aborted! can't activate activesupport (>= 1.4.4), already activated activesupport-1.4.2]

Try uninstalling 1.4.2, 1.4.4 will gladly take over all necessary duties.

Thanks, but rails 1.2.3 requires activesupport 1.4.2, right? I'd like to have rails 1.2.3 gem installed and use frozen rails 1.2.6.

Regards, Szymek