Calling controller function from model private method


I have private methods written in my user model. I have schedule crontab to execute these methods like:   ruby -e production "User.private_function"

But now i will have to either access global variable of the application with in the private method or be able to call controller function through crontab!

Any suggestions?

Regards, Sandeep G

Sandeep Gudibanda wrote: > Hi,

> I have private methods written in my user model. I have schedule crontab > to execute these methods like: > ruby -e production "User.private_function"

> But now i will have to either access global variable of the application > with in the private method or be able to call controller function > through crontab!

Sounds like you should rewrite your model so that it doesn't depend on these things. A model should never be calling a controller and global variables are usually a bad idea.
