"Best practice" for doing CRUD?

Since you are on edge rails you can use the new scaffold_resources.

script/generate scaffold_resources things title:string foo:text created_at:datetime updated_at:datetime


  Since you are on edge rails you can use the new scaffold_resources.

script/generate scaffold_resources things title:string foo:text created_at:datetime updated_at:datetime

Ezra, are you sure it's committed yet?

  C:\dev>ruby script\generate scaffold_resources   Couldn't find 'scaffold_resources' generator

I have edge revision 5170 (performed a rails:freeze + rails:update just a few minutes before my original post).

Thanks! Jeff

Hey Jeff-

  Yeah its in there for at least a week or so. I just used it. It actually is scaffold_resource singular while in its usage text it says scaffold_resources :wink:

ez ey $ script/generate scaffold_resource Usage: script/generate scaffold_resources ModelName

Rails Info:      -v, --version Show the Rails version number and quit.      -h, --help Show this help message and quit.

General Options:      -p, --pretend Run but do not make any changes.      -f, --force Overwrite files that already exist.      -s, --skip Skip files that already exist.      -q, --quiet Suppress normal output.      -t, --backtrace Debugging: show backtrace on errors.      -c, --svn Modify files with subversion. (Note: svn must be in path)

Description:      Explain the generator

Example:      ./script/generate resource_generator Thing

     This will create:          what/will/it/create


Ezra Zygmuntowicz wrote:

  Yeah its in there for at least a week or so. I just used it. It actually is scaffold_resource singular while in its usage text it says scaffold_resources :wink:

ez ey $ script/generate scaffold_resource Usage: script/generate scaffold_resources ModelName

Awesome. Thanks Ezra.

Jeff softiesonrails.com