Benchmarking Rails internals - specifically ActiveSupport::Callbacks

I have some ideas for possible changes to Rails’ Callbacks implementation, that I hope would improve runtime. As a first step, I’d like to write some performance benchmarks. If the callbacks mechanism has a negligible impact on overall runtime, it’s not worth fixing. If there is significant overhead, the benchmarks provide a baseline to work against.

@jhawthorn’s Reduce memory used by ActiveSupport::Callbacks by jhawthorn · Pull Request #49728 · rails/rails · GitHub is related to what I’m looking at. In that PR the test case is in a Github gist; I’d love to find a place to make tests like that part of the ecosystem. yjit-bench seems to be the most active performance test suite these days, but its main concern is testing the effect of Ruby implementation changes, rather than of Rails itself.

Is there some other place where Rails implementation benchmarks are collected and maintained?