Hey y’all,
I decided to hack up a small benchmarking plugin for Rails. This is pretty much like the Rails’ benchmarking you see in your logs, except that it benchmarks:
the entire process lifecycle, including …
before filters
after filters
session initialization
time spent in ActiveRecord::Base.find (more encompassing than DB access)
And it also makes adding new benchmarks incredibly simple. For example:
BenchmarkForRails.watch(“linking”, ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper, :link_to)
Check it out and let me know where it should go from here!
Linkage: project page: http://benchmarkforrails.googlecode.com/ subversion: http://benchmarkforrails.googlecode.com/svn/trunk blog: http://codelevy.com/articles/2007/11/23/benchmarkforrails-new-benchmarking-plugin