belongs_to without has_many ?

I’m trying to add a model abstraction in between two existing but the top is just the model, User in my case, in the main app that gets the line “blog” placed in it and then inside the gem posts belongs to blogger but there’s no blogger model like I said I wanna let bloggers have_one blog_setting so they can put the title description, theme in database tables

You can balance belongs_to with has_one or has_many. You have to pick one of those two options, otherwise it's not appropriate for a belongs_to.


You can balance belongs_to with has_one or has_many. You have to pick one of those two options, otherwise it's not appropriate for a belongs_to.

Conceptually yes, but I suspect that if you had A belongs_to B but did not actually specify B has_nnn A that one could go ahead and use the belongs_to methods such as @a.b provided one never tried to use @b.a or any of the methods associated with that. I may be wrong though, and I can't see any reason not to put the has_nnn in.

However I am not sure that is what fugee is actually asking. I am having difficulty reconciling the subject line with the content of the post, or even understanding what the post is trying to ask.

You certainly can't have a B has_nnn A without the reciprocal belongs_to though.
