basic problems running tests

I've tried to run scaffold-generated tests and the results is not what I would have expected. Basically all tests fail because the framework is trying to delete from the table and ignoring the table alias. I have two problems with that. 1. So I understand now that by default the test framework is trying to load the test fixtures and before doing so it deletes the old ones. But I don't want to delete anything from my database. How do I prevent the test framework from trying to delete records? 2. Why is the table alias being ignored? When executed as a rails application the table alias is resolved correctly.

This is what my auto-generated model and controller tests look like, both of them attempting to delete from a non-aliased (and non-existent) users table before they do anything in their own code.

unit\user_test.rb require 'test_helper'

class UserTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase   # Replace this with your real tests.   test "the truth" do     assert true   end end

functional\users_controller_test.rb require 'test_helper'

class UsersControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase   test "should get index" do     get :index     assert_response :success     assert_not_nil assigns(:users)   end

  test "should get new" do     get :new     assert_response :success   end

  test "should create user" do     assert_difference('User.count') do       post :create, :user => { }     end

    assert_redirected_to user_path(assigns(:user))   end

  test "should show user" do     get :show, :id => users(:one).to_param     assert_response :success   end

  test "should get edit" do     get :edit, :id => users(:one).to_param     assert_response :success   end

  test "should update user" do     put :update, :id => users(:one).to_param, :user => { }     assert_redirected_to user_path(assigns(:user))   end

  test "should destroy user" do     assert_difference('User.count', -1) do       delete :destroy, :id => users(:one).to_param     end

    assert_redirected_to users_path   end end

I can't say I really know what I'm doing here but when I derive from a base unit testcase rather ActiveSupport testcase I seem to get what I want. Not sure what I'm losing by not deriving from ActiveSupport testcase.

require 'test_helper'

class UserTest < Test::Unit::TestCase   # Replace this with your real tests.   def the_truth     assert true   end end

Tomasz Romanowski wrote:

I can't say I really know what I'm doing here but when I derive from a base unit testcase rather ActiveSupport testcase I seem to get what I want. Not sure what I'm losing by not deriving from ActiveSupport testcase.

ActiveSupport::TestCase is what gets you the activerecord fixture stuff (eg the fixture accessor methods). It's also the thing that loads fixtures. ActionController::TestCase (which derives from ActiveSupport::TestCase) handles the boiler plate of setting up the test request for you, and creates the get/put/... methods you use in functional tests.

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by the table alias being ignored, but if you mean that the fixtures ignore the set_table_name in your models that's because fixtures don't work that way - the fixture file name should be the name of the table, not the name of the model


Thanks. Does Rspec have the same support as ActiveSupport and ActionController testcases? I'm considering using Rspec since it comes with a server that loads the rails environment only once saving the rails startup time each time I run the test. I'm using windows and needless to say the startup time is ridiculously slow. I'm also going to try andLinux but would like to keep Rspec as an option.

Frederick Cheung wrote:

Frederick Cheung wrote:

I can't say I really know what I'm doing here but when I derive from a base unit testcase rather ActiveSupport testcase I seem to get what I want. Not sure what I'm losing by not deriving from ActiveSupport testcase.

ActiveSupport::TestCase is what gets you the activerecord fixture stuff (eg the fixture accessor methods). It's also the thing that loads fixtures. ActionController::TestCase (which derives from ActiveSupport::TestCase) handles the boiler plate of setting up the test request for you, and creates the get/put/... methods you use in functional tests.

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by the table alias being ignored, but if you mean that the fixtures ignore the set_table_name in your models that's because fixtures don't work that way - the fixture file name should be the name of the table, not the name of the model

...which is another of the many, many reasons not to ever use fixtures. Use factories instead.

