autotest error


I can't make autotest running on Ubuntu, please help.

Error message: /.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p180/gems/test-unit-2.3.0/lib/test/unit/ui/ console/testrunner.rb:336:in `<module:Console>': uninitialized constant Test::Unit::UI::Console::Diff (NameError)

Copied .autotest file from here:

What does it mean? Many thanks for your help! Zoli

Hi, can't solve this problem, please help.

$ autotest loading autotest/rails-rspec2

output: `<module:Console>': uninitialized constant Test::Unit::UI::Console::Diff (NameError)

I use Ubuntu10, gems used: autotest, Rspec, ZenTest, redgreen and spork.

I keep trying, reading different solutions, none helped. Any idea would be highly appriciated. Many thanks, Zoli