autocomplete does nothing....


I use auto_complete...

put this in my controllerBestemming:

auto_complete_for :bestemming, :naam

This works fine...

But when i make a action in controllerBestemming, does nothing....

def auto_complete_for_bestemming_naam     @bestemmingen = Bestemming.find(:all,       :conditions => [ 'LOWER(naam) LIKE ?',       '%' + request.raw_post.downcase + '%' ])     render :inline => "<%= auto_complete_result(@bestemmingen, 'naam') %>"   end

What i am doing wrong?


Perhaps due to the protect_from_forgery line in your application.rb file. Try commenting this out and see if it works, if you don’t care about people forging your forms :slight_smile:

Ryan Bigg wrote:

Perhaps due to the protect_from_forgery line in your application.rb file. Try commenting this out and see if it works, if you don't care about people forging your forms :slight_smile:


What i am doing wrong?

grtz..remco -- Posted via


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Hi..this works..

def auto_complete_for_bestemming_naam       bestemming_search = params[:bestemming][:naam]       @bestemmingen = Bestemming.find(:all,              :conditions => [ 'LOWER(naam) LIKE ?', bestemming_search.downcase + '%' ],              :order => 'naam ASC')    render :partial => 'autocomplete' end


<%= auto_complete_result(@bestemmingen, 'naam') %>

Bu when i change _autocomplete.rhtml to

  <% for bestemming in @bestemmingen -%>     <%= bestemmingen.naam %></li>   <% end -%>

I doesn't work...anymore....

Must i use the helper "auto_complete_result" or is my partial-code not good?


def auto_complete_for_bestemming_naam bestemming_search = params[:bestemming][:naam] @bestemmingen = Bestemming.find(:all, :conditions => [ ‘LOWER(naam) LIKE ?’, bestemming_search.downcase + ‘%’ ], :order => ‘naam ASC’) render :partial => ‘autocomplete’ end


<%= auto_complete_result(@bestemmingen, ‘naam’) %>

Bu when i change _autocomplete.rhtml to

<% for bestemming in @bestemmingen -%> <%= bestemmingen.naam %> <% end -%>

Well, you’re using a non-existent local variable “bestemmingen” instead of “bestemming” as you named it in the first line.

I doesn’t work…anymore…

Must i use the helper “auto_complete_result” or is my partial-code not good?

Also remember that Rails as a framework uses English as its main language, you’ll run into problems sooner or later because the singular/plural inflectors can never do their job well. Even if you would like to make your urls make sense to a Dutch-speaking person, you could still use English controller names, English named models and fields and just adjust your routes file to hide the default English name and replace it with the Dutch version.

Best regards

Peter De Berdt

Your models shouldn’t be a problem at all, since the MVC model implies that your user will never see model names throughout the application. If you want your field names to be translated, you can use simple_localization (, which I prefer over Globalize. It will allow you to map the fieldnames to the translation.

Using your “bestemmingen” example, something like this should work:

map.resources :destinations, :as => ‘bestemmingen’, :singular => ‘bestemming’

That is assuming that you use the RESTful conventions.

All of this should be right there in the Rails API somewhere.

Best regards

Peter De Berdt

Peter De Berdt wrote:

If you want to keep your Dutch model names, you can define your pluralization rules globally in /config/initializers/inflections.rb (Rails 1: config/environment.rb), like this:

Inflector.inflections do |inflect|    inflect.plural /([aeou])+([^aeiouy])$/i, '\1\2en'    inflect.singular /([aeou])([^aeiouy])en$/i, '\1\1\2'    inflect.plural /([^aeiouy])$/i, '\1en'    inflect.singular /([^aeiouy])en$/i, '\1' end

or if you're not good at regexen, just do it per model name:

Inflector.inflections do |inflect|    inflect.irregular 'land', 'landen'    ...

and you can check them in irb with:

'naam'.pluralize #=> 'namen' 'namen'.singularize #=> 'naam' 'land'.pluralize #=> 'landen' 'landen'.singularize #=> 'land'

For anything that doesn't match your custom rules, the default English rules are used.

But it's tricky. I've tried it for German, kept running into errors and ended up refactoring to English table names. Dutch plurals are simpler, so it could work for you.